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Program Outcomes

POProgram Outcomes
IEngineering Knowledge: Knowledge in mathematics, natural sciences, basic engineering, computational skills, and topics specific to the relevant engineering discipline; the ability to use this knowledge in solving complex engineering problems
IIProblem Analysis: The ability to identify, formulate, and analyze complex engineering problems using fundamental science, mathematics, and engineering knowledge, while considering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals related to the problem at hand
IIIEngineering Design: The ability to design creative solutions to complex engineering problems; the ability to design complex systems, processes, devices, or products in a manner that meets current and future requirements while considering realistic constraints and conditions
IVUse of Tools and Techniques: The ability to select and use appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and computing tools, including analysis and solution of complex engineering problems, with awareness of their limitations, encompassing prediction and modeling
VResearch and Investigation: The ability to use research methods, including literature review, experimental design, experimentation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results, for the investigation of complex engineering problems
VIGlobal Impact of Engineering Practices: Knowledge about the effects of engineering practices on society, health and safety, economy, sustainability, and the environment within the scope of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions
VIIEthical Behavior: Adherence to engineering professional principles, knowledge of ethical responsibility; awareness of impartiality, inclusivity, and non-discrimination in all matters
VIIIIndividual and Team Work: The ability to work effectively as an individual and as a team member or leader in intra-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teams (face-to-face, remotely, or hybrid)
IXOral and Written Communication: The ability to effectively communicate technical subjects verbally and in writing, taking into account various differences within the target audience (such as education, language, profession)
XProject Management: Knowledge about business practices such as project management and economic feasibility analysis; awareness of entrepreneurship and innovation
XILifelong Learning: The ability to independently and continuously learn, adapt to new and emerging technologies, and engage in critical thinking regarding technological changes, encompassing lifelong learning